Gwen Hornig


Gwen Hornig

Eighth Grade English and Eighth Grade Drama Teacher

Gwen Hornig completed her undergraduate degree at NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study with a concentration in theatre, empathy, and education. Her senior thesis focused on arts education as integral to cultivating a culture of belonging in schools. She is a Black Pine Circle School alum, and joined the faculty six years ago as an apprentice in upper school drama classes. After this year-long apprenticeship, Gwen developed and taught a sixth grade Socratic seminar course in addition to teaching seventh grade drama for two years. She began teaching eighth grade English in 2021. In addition to teaching, Gwen is one of our US Outdoor Education Coordinators, and facilitates the after-school drama club and gardening club. She has two very silly kitties named Twix and Linus, loves to camp and hike in beautiful places, and has recently taken up pottery.

Teaching Since





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Why I Work with Children

I think there is profound value in a child’s candor and vulnerability. I seek to foster those qualities as sources of strength, individuality, and empathy as each child figures out how they move through the world.

A Favorite Book

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk. I am forever in awe of the body’s incredible synchronicity with the emotional mind and memory.

Quick Fact

Ask me about the time I had a magical and terrifying stand-off with a bison in the Badlands.

Other Faculty for This Grade

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Alyson Mitchell

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Carla Rodea

Carla Rodea

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I speak several languages.

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Carwai Seto

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Gerry Branner

Upper School Physical Education Teacher and Upper School Athletic Director

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Jerry Kennedy

Jerry Kennedy

Seventh and Eighth Grade Music Teacher, Band Director

Performed music in South Africa during the end of legal apartheid.

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Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan Cohen

Eighth Grade Science Teacher

Apprenticed with a luthier, adept with a paddle

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Maria Palmer

Sixth Grade English Teacher

Loves to write or paint

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Nataliya Vdovychenko

Nataliya Vdovychenko

Upper School Assistant Teacher

Fluent Russian speaker

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Rem Djemilev

BPC String Orchestra Leader

Creates musical arrangements for fun

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Sarah Roggero

Sixth Grade Spanish Teacher

My birthday is April 1st, no joke!

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Xiaoyan Xu

Upper School Mandarin Teacher

Once ate deep-fried silkworms

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